The Time Travelling Tourist
Graphic Novel.
108 pages.
October 2013.
Language: English.
Script: William Geradts, Richard Fairgray.
Color: Juan Moraga
Publisher: Beyond Reality Media.
Beethoven Jones travels time and space doing exactly what every tourist does – taking pictures and acting like a dick. Everything changes when he meets Rebecca and tastes the best donuts in history. It’s never easy falling in love, especially when your first date involves visiting the Wild West, Tutankhamen’s tomb, and watching the death of Julius Caesar. From prehistory to the present, this is a story of love, dinosaurs and donuts.
“I think I’ve found my new favorite comic”(Mark Waid)
“Imagine if you could travel in time and you only used it to snap pics, hit on a girl and buy donuts. Sounds like fun, right? Yes, yes it does” (Dan Slott)